

Every minute, 18 tonnes of plastics are dumped into the ocean. The direct impact of this waste on marine biodiversity is now well known: suffocation, entanglement of marine animals in ghost nets, ocean gyres and waves of rubbish crashing onto beaches, these shocking visuals are in all our heads.

80% of marine litter comes from land and once at sea, 90% ends up at the bottom of the ocean. It is therefore unrealistic to try to clean up the sea, we must act upstream, the solutions are all on land.

Plastic does not disappear from the environment, macro-waste gradually degrades into smaller and smaller fragments and then enters the entire food chain, from plankton to humans. Plastic pollution also comes from the microfibres in our synthetic fabrics and from the abrasion of tyres. Bacteria and viruses tend to stick to plastic fragments, allowing them to travel around the planet, and constitute the so-called plastisphere.


Our Programs

tonnes of plastic produced every second worldwide
90 %
of seabirds have already ingested plastics
microplastics per litre in the Arctic
Action and impact
The Fondation de la Mer gathers local charities and all citizens together alongside them
citizens involved in waste collection since 2020
tonnes of waste collected since January 2020
stakeholders registered on the platform #Ungestepourlamer (A gesture for the sea)

Let’s act

Not alldirect consequences on human health are well known still, but scientists agree that it is a real ticking time-bomb. We are all concerned by plastic pollution, whether we live near the coast or inland.


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