"Enjeux maritimes" Classes

France has the second largest maritime area in the world

France has territories in three oceans : the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean with 11 million km2 and 18,000 km of coastline.

The sea is the latest developed area of the planet, at the crossroads of all sectors of the economy and human needs : food, energy transition, health, minerals, transport, leisure.

The “Enjeux Maritimes” class program

The ”Lycée Français de Barcelone”, the Fondation de la Mer, the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Centre d’études stratégiques de la Marine nationale and the Robert Schuman Foundation have joined forces to promote the experimentation of a “Enjeux Maritimes” class. This multi-disciplinary project, designed and implemented by the headmaster and teachers of the Lycée Français de Barcelone, concerns the fourth and third grades and includes the maritime aspects of the curriculum for these two grades.

  • A “Enjeux Maritimes” class is a class, in a school in France or in the AEFE network, in which teachers will “maritimize” certain themes of the year.
  • The “maritimization” of a theme consists in approaching this theme from the angle of its link with the sea, in order to raise awareness of the richness, threats and challenges to the oceans.
  • This awareness should feed into the students’ reflections on the concept of citizenship both on land and at sea, and broaden their horizons for their future career choices.
  • The program relies on documentary collections and speakers, experts in their fields and volunteers who intervene in class upon request.

The “Enjeux Maritimes” class program is presented on the “Education and Ocean” page of the Eduscol platform.

Discover the Presentation – FR

Launch of the first
"Enjeux Maritimes" class
students from the Lycée Français de Barcelone participated in this experience

Speech by the French Minister of Education at the launch of the "Maritime Issues" classes at the French High School in Barcelona